Wednesday, October 10, 2007

September 20th, 1st Brownie Meeting,

The Brownie Troop 2610 had their first meeting of 2nd grade at Ellie's House on September 20, 2007 The girls all had way too much energy after school.


Girl scout promise & Girl Scout Rules...Trying to learn manners and respect of others.

Outdoor fun.. Working on a badge "About our Bodies".
The girls started to work towards a new badge "Our Body". They learned how their brain can sometime play tricks on them. It was harder then they thought to catch a falling dollar in the air. They also tried to write their name the same time as they had to keep their foot moving in a circle and saw how hard it was to do 2 things at once. They also played a game the leaders created to show them how your heart beats faster after you do some exercises like dancing, etc.. Then we were all off to play an outside balloon game. The wind was a bit strong for this game but the girls got to run off some of that energy.

Girl scout hand shake, squeeze and put your foot in.

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