Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Thursday, October 25, Triple S Ranch

Triple S Ranch


Celina and Erica, horse pasture

Getting to know the horse " the horse sniff test".

Each girl got to come up to the horse and let it smell her hand before you could pat the horse.

The Brownies learning about horse safety

Erica, Lizzy, Danielle, Celina, Jill and Emma

In groups of 3 or 4, the girls got to learn more about grooming the horse and safety.

Horse care, different types of brushes.

Emma brushing the horse.

Hoof care, taking out the packed dirt

Celina's turn to get the dirt out of the hoof.

Tack, Western saddle

How to put on a saddle.

Lizzy is going riding around the arena.

The girls all watching and taking turns riding around the arena

Looking through the window at the arena.

Stables for the horses.

Celina climbing up on to the horse.

Danielle having a great time riding.



The Brownies will be learning how to care for horses and learn safety. They each will have a short ride around the indoor arena.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Brownie Schedule for 2007 - 2008

Girl Scout Troop #52610
2007 - 2008 Monthly Meeting Schedule

Meeting times are immediately after school until 5:15pm, unless otherwise noted.

September 20th: Ellie C. House

October 4th: Emma A. House

October 25th: Field Trip to Triple S Ranch in Eagan

November 8: Rylee S. House

November 29: Field Trip (Candy Lane, Woodbury)

December 13: Jill N. House
(Holiday meeting/party)

January 10: Lauren J. House

January 12: Cookie Rally 9:30 am

January 19: Start Selling your cookies!!!

January 24: Field Trip: Bank Tour

February 7: Erin & Erica H. House

February 21: Field Trip (TBD)

March 13: Celina N. House

April 3: Alex W. House

April 17: Field Trip (TBD)

May 1: Lizzy Z. House

May 15: Year End Ceremony, Park? (TBD)

October 4th, Badge Meeting

The Brownie Meeting was held on October 4th at Emma's House Emma showed all the girls her new hamster.

The girls all took turns holding the hamster.

Jennifer, one of the troop leaders got the meeting started. She explained that each girl would get a chance to draw names out of the bag to help with various activities during the meetings.

The girls all liked the new idea of helping out at the meeting. Everyone wanted to draw the names and get a job.

The brownies had an after school snack of what else.... Brownies!!

Celina got to hold the Girl Scout Pledge sign.

On my honor....I will try...

Trying to earn a badge: By Learning different ways to communicate without talking.

September 20th, 1st Brownie Meeting,

The Brownie Troop 2610 had their first meeting of 2nd grade at Ellie's House on September 20, 2007 The girls all had way too much energy after school.


Girl scout promise & Girl Scout Rules...Trying to learn manners and respect of others.

Outdoor fun.. Working on a badge "About our Bodies".
The girls started to work towards a new badge "Our Body". They learned how their brain can sometime play tricks on them. It was harder then they thought to catch a falling dollar in the air. They also tried to write their name the same time as they had to keep their foot moving in a circle and saw how hard it was to do 2 things at once. They also played a game the leaders created to show them how your heart beats faster after you do some exercises like dancing, etc.. Then we were all off to play an outside balloon game. The wind was a bit strong for this game but the girls got to run off some of that energy.

Girl scout hand shake, squeeze and put your foot in.