Tuesday, April 22, 2008

May 15th Year End Ceremony...

This will be the last time we will meet until the new school year. We will be having a year end ceremony,
Location, neighborhood park.

Photos will be posted soon. I just need to upload and attach a link....Sorry for the delay.. Keep checking back.

Meeting: Thursday, May 8st at Alex's House

Working on a Try-it badge: Movers!

We have registration forms for next year so please be sure and get those from us when you pick up your daughter on Thursday. We'd like to get completed forms back at the meeting next Thursday if possible for the early bird patch. (Forms turned in by early June will still get the early bird patch if you forget next week or if your daughter needs to think about it, etc.) Let us know if you have any questions.

We're looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Mother / Daughter Camp Sleep-Over

Our Mother/Daughter overnight Saturday, April 19. At Camp Sagata in Bay Port

We checked into the cabin at 4:30 pm on the 19th, and then check out the next morning (April 20th) by 10:00am.

Everyone had a great time!

Click on the link below to view the photos:

Sweet Heart Luau Dance

"Sweetheart" Luau dance coming up Friday, April 11.

A few of our girls went last year with their dads and had a lot of fun. I know Ellie and Emma and their dads are going, so please join them!

If you have not received any information on this, please let Jennifer or I know so that we can get it to you.

(If you have any photos of this event please e-mail them to Lorraine, Thank you!!)