Monday, December 17, 2007

***2008** Lauren's House Meeting..

A New Year 2008
The first meeting of the new year will be on Thursday, January 10th at Lauren's house.
* Don't forget to sew on all the girls new patches they earned.
Our new troop number is now 52610
We will be working on the try-it called "Penny Power".
Click on the link below to see photos of todays meeting at Lauren's House:

Thursday, December 13, 2007

2007 Holiday Party

Holiday Party at Jills house.

The brownies will be donating to Toys for Tots

We will be doing a couple holiday crafts, playing a game or two and talking about our gifts for Toys For Tots. We will also be handing out badges the girls have earned this fall along with a couple fun patches for our fieldtrips. Time permitting we will also work on some centerpiece decorations for the upcoming cookie rally.

Click on the link below to view the photo album